Watch Dogs Slot Machine Location

First, head to the Parker Square district, and look for different small darker blue icons on the map. Here, you'll want to participate in: Poker (buy-in is only $1000) Shell game Slot machine.

Change in-game time in Watch Dogs Legion is a mechanic meant to help you find potential recruits more easily. However, you can also abuse that system to move the Watch Dogs Legion in-game clock to suit your other needs, like if you need to be in a certain place at a certain time to complete a mission. The system is a little convoluted, but it can save you some time. In our Watch Dogs Legion Change In-Game Time guide, we’ll explain the process step by step.

How to Change In-Game Time in Watch Dogs Legion

To speed up in-game time in Watch Dogs Legion, the first step is to unlock the Deep Profiler skill. Then, approach any potential operative and save them as a recruit. Enter the team menu and hover over your new recruit-to-be in the bottom left and enter Deep Profile. Look through their schedule, and find the time slot that works the best for you. If you need a visual aid, check out the screenshots below. It’s easy, but you do absolutely need the Profiler skill.

Mark the time slot that best suits your needs (mind you, the hour that counts is the one at the END of the slot, not the beginning) by pressing Investigate. Find the location on the map, mark it, and make your way over there. When you arrive, the game will give you a button prompt to change the Watch Dogs Legion in-game time to the end of your chosen slot. Complete the button prompt, and boom, time changed. Go about your business as normal, and feel free to dismiss your unwanted recruit as you see fit.

And there you have it, that’s how you change the Watch Dogs Legion in-game time. If you need help with something else, we’ve written a number of other useful tasks for you to check out. To name just a few, we’ve got Photograph Evidence in the City of London, Ubisoft Connect Activation Code for Epic Games Store, and Video Game Designer Location – Meta-Gaming Trophy.

Hack Chicago with Prima's free Watch Dogs walkthrough.

Go in-depth with the official Watch Dogs guide!

Watch Dogs Slot Machine Locations

Similar to the real world, the more cash you have in Watch Dogs, the easier life will be. A rich Aiden Pearce can easily buy items for crafting, weapons and other useful things that’ll help you beat missions and acts faster. With this in mind, here are a few quick ways to make extra dough.


Dip into their bank accounts

Hack people to gain access to their banking records. Once you have this information, you can visit an ATM and withdraw money from their accounts.

Steal from the rich

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Additionally, be on the lookout for citizens with Rich Bank accounts. While rare, these people have more money than most.

Become an equal opportunist

Hack multiple accounts before heading to the ATM. This lets you steal from several people at once, and is one of the quickest ways to get more money.

Find bags

Go in search of bags. Some people in Watch Dogs know of dropped bags littered throughout Chicago. Hack to learn more info, track down the bag and enjoy the sweet reward.

Go on a killing spree

It’s a messy way to do things, but killing people may cause them to leave money behind. Doing this, of course, may attract unwanted attention.

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Time for a robbery

Hold up shopkeepers! Do it successfully and they’ll empty their registers.

Pawn star

Sell junk at Pawn Shops. It’s a great way to get rid of unwanted items.

Have a drink and gamble

Best Slot Machines To Play

Master the Drinking mini-game. Visit the Unicorn Dragon Pub and other bars, win the game and score lots of cash. The same holds true for Poker and Slot Machines. Keep in mind you cannot hack Slot Machines.